King of Cups

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King of Cups Tarot Card Meanings
Use your strength and wisdom to aid others.
King of Cups Upright Meaning
This card, embodying the energy of a King, often shows a water-themed backdrop, with a man on a throne holding the Cup of Mystery. Sometimes, the cup glows like a volcano, radiating light but never overflowing.
He communicates strength, passion, and dedication without words, dressed sometimes as a priest or shaman. He's intense, intuitive, and a formidable figure.
King of Cups Reversed Meaning
When reversed, the King of Cups clings to resentment or anger, denying his natural inclination towards forgiveness and grace. This creates an emotional void around him, robbing him of peace.
His great capacity for empathy and kindness is squandered on dwelling in the past and self-pity. Clear the emotional clouds, acknowledge the pain, forgive, and welcome back the warmth of peace and goodwill.
King of Cups Advice Position
The King of Cups here suggests introspection to align your personal goals with the collective good. With this alignment, you can enter your community or situation with integrity, conveying profound wisdom.
This creates a nurturing environment, motivating others to elevate their own intentions. Your leadership through example, rather than mere words, is what truly inspires.
King of Cups Love Position
The King of Cups represents a sanctuary for the heart, offering stability and support. His calm, strong presence instills a sense of order and peace in upcoming relationships.
His influence fosters optimism, faith in support, and the confidence to share emotions with a future partner. He embodies the archetype of a wise, compassionate, and strong father figure, a quality you can summon from within when needed.
King of Cups Career Position
With the King of Cups in this position, you might benefit from the support and endorsement of a respected colleague. Their backing paves the way, boosting your confidence.
This King sees the potential in people, bringing out their best qualities. Under their mentorship, confidence grows, and creativity flows naturally. They're like the bass line in music, providing rhythm and foundation, giving you the emotional strength to take risks and showcase your creativity.
King of Cups in a Yes or No Card Reading
The King of Cups signifies tranquility and presence. If you're seeking a straightforward Yes or No answer and you get the King of Cups, the answer is YES. Keep in mind your role in the scenario and embrace humility.