Page of Cups Tarot Card Meanings
Be completely open to fulfill any requirements.
Page of Cups Upright Meaning
This card, often known as the Page but sometimes as the Princess, symbolizes a young, poetic, and mystical individual who is emotionally open and idealistic, prone to imaginative escapism.
This energy is delicately refined and sensitive. The grounding in reality might not be fully developed, making this person susceptible to being swayed by outside influences. They need to cultivate a stronger will and a more strategic mindset to safeguard their sensitivity.
Page of Cups Reversed Meaning
When reversed, the Page of Cups indicates that others have been patient with this person's self-indulgence. In truth, they are not obligated to cater to these whims.
Overstepping their kindness might lead to unexpected reactions. It's crucial to prioritize others' needs and well-being.
Page of Cups Advice Position
The Page of Cups (or Princess in some decks) in this position suggests you learn how best to serve others. Focus on what brings more joy, comfort, and security, then deliver it. Recognize that current events might not be about you. Your role is to offer support and listen attentively.
Ensure you grasp what's required and serve with dedication. See everyone as an expression of the Divine, and aim to meet their needs without worrying about outcomes. In time, you'll understand the purpose of your role here.
Page of Cups Love Position
This card here signifies a loyal follower of the heart. The Page, or Princess, trusts implicitly without much questioning or fact-checking.
Your guides are imagination and faith. This figure indulges in the mystical, exploring the depths of inner consciousness. While you might want to join in this journey, remember not to neglect the practical aspects of relationships.
This energy can be easily swayed, sometimes giving too much trust to others like gurus or romantic partners, assuming everyone shares the same spiritual quest. Be cautious not to overlook your own interests and avoid being manipulated.
Page of Cups Career Position
In this spot, the Page of Cups (or Princess) represents a colleague whose innocence and idealism, while charming, might pose risks. Your role might involve gently guiding this person to understand the realities of their situation without crushing their dreams. A delicate approach is needed. Help them move beyond idealism to tackle practical challenges, fostering a more grounded perspective.
Page of Cups in a Yes or No Card Reading
The Page of Cups stands for openness. If you're seeking a simple Yes or No answer and get the Page of Cups, the answer is YES. Consider yourself a novice, eager to learn from those around you.