The Devil Tarot Card Meanings: Release your constraints. Allow your full self to shine through.
The Devil Upright Meaning
The Devil Tarot card delves into the realm of the forbidden — the wild, untamed aspects of our subconscious that society shuns. This shadow is intrinsic to our core, untamable, and vital. From its initial depictions as a vampire-demon, The Devil has symbolized the fear of losing one's soul to uncontrolled passions. Yet, these deep wells of desire and emotion are the very forces that can liberate us from restrictive roles, offering true soul freedom.
The Devil Reversed Meaning
When reversed, The Devil suggests you might be indulging in chaos or opposition for the sake of disruption. Your humor might have taken a darker turn, or your actions could be driven by revenge or simply for the thrill of being disruptive.
You need to rein in this childish mischief before it leads to more serious consequences. Control these impulses until you can pivot to more constructive behavior. Although it might feel amusing momentarily, such antics will have negative repercussions over time.
The Devil Advice Position
The Devil advises you to be bold and unreserved. There's little to gain from subtlety or strategy here. Be straightforward about your intentions, express your genuine feelings, even if they include anger. Acknowledge your emotions. While it's not always wise to act on every feeling, recognizing the power of your inner world keeps you authentic.
The Devil Love Position
The Devil card stands for bringing out those aspects of yourself that have been hidden or shamed. It represents the "Shadow" Jung spoke of. We often dread this part surfacing, but this card encourages confronting your inner darkness. There's a fear of being perceived as ugly, demanding, or monstrous when we reveal these suppressed dynamics.
We're taught to distrust our deep desires and instincts, fearing we might indulge too far into excess or addiction. To become a magnetic presence in your potential romantic relationship, you must overcome these fears that limit your expression. Throughout history, those who've challenged these norms were initially demonized, but their bravery and authenticity were later celebrated.
The Devil Career Position
With The Devil here, you might be confronting work responsibilities that previously intimidated you. See this as a learning opportunity. Avoid binary judgments of good or bad; instead, harness the intense energy present. Focus on common ground with colleagues rather than differences.
The situation can unfold in various ways or branch into multiple projects based on your actions. This energy can fuel creative success or devolve into self-absorbed power plays. If you're in tune with the natural flow of life force, you won't obstruct it; otherwise, you might mistakenly think it's all about you.
The Devil in a Yes or No Card Reading
The Devil signifies feeling ensnared. If you're seeking a straightforward Yes or No answer and receive The Devil, the answer is NO. Consider the broader implications of your actions.