The Empress - 3

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The Empress Tarot Card Meanings: Instead of being hard on yourself for not being perfect, recognize that your positive impact has led to good results.
The Empress Upright Meaning
The Empress is a Major Arcana card that embodies the nurturing energy of the great mother. She is the essence of nature, both external and within us, the perpetual source of life-giving energy. Often depicted as a pre-Christian Goddess, she's the conduit through which The High Priestess brings divine wisdom to humanity.
In medieval Europe, she was portrayed as the reigning queen to appease the inquisitors, but Renaissance scholars recognized her true identity — she was openly revealed as "the woman clothed with the sun" only after the French Revolution.
This archetype of ultimate femininity also stands for fertility, providing us with sustenance and safety. She brings us joy through the gifts of nature like flowers and fruits. However, she can also embody the destructive side of nature, like when karmic forces disrupt our lives akin to a sudden storm. Regardless, The Empress governs our physical existence and natural laws, sometimes known as "The Great Recycler."
The Empress Reversed Meaning
Since The Empress signifies Nature, when reversed, she wields immense power to discipline her reckless offspring. Natural disasters like volcanoes, tsunamis, and hurricanes symbolize the violent emotions unleashed by human folly.
If you're inclined to be corrective, you might have justification, but be cautious not to overstep and ruin what you cherish.
The Empress Advice Position
The Empress advises you to have confidence in your wisdom and good intentions. Acknowledge the compassion you've shown in fulfilling your duties. You are capable of expressing the best parts of your character.
Show this through acts of kindness, a forgiving heart, and a deep understanding of others' challenges. Bring healing to the situation at hand and take pride in your supportive role.
The Empress Love Position
The Empress represents harmony, comfort, creativity, and wisdom. This Mother archetype offers us her life-sustaining support. She is the fertile ground from which we grow and differentiate. She embodies natural joy, health, healing arts, music, and all that is good, true, and beautiful. From her, we learn our noblest aspirations. When The Empress appears here, it signifies you embody qualities of generosity, warmth, and nurturance. Embracing these qualities fully can attract your soulmate or desired partner.
The Empress Career Position
There might be an influential individual in your workplace who attracts others like a magnet. This person inspires us with lofty ideals, making them invaluable. They foster an environment of support and acceptance.
If you resist this character, reflect on why. Given the positive impact of their actions, perhaps admiration, and even emulation, are the proper reactions to the uplifting change they bring into your life.
The Empress in a Yes or No Card Reading
The Empress is a card of abundance and creation. If you're seeking a straightforward Yes or No answer and receive The Empress, the answer is YES. Embrace an attitude of plenty and focus on what brings you joy.