The Star - 17

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The Star Tarot Card Meanings: Your energy is best directed towards introspection and spiritual growth.
The Star Upright Meaning
The Star Tarot card speaks to the soul's reconnection with the divine, transcending personal, familial, and societal roles to embrace true self-expression. It deals with the soul's response to celestial guidance, which can imbue one's life with a profound sense of purpose. The Star evokes our lofty origins and our pull towards a higher union.
It could also be termed The Celestial Mandate, pointing us back to our life's mission. The Star reminds us that we are, in essence, instruments of divine will in our everyday actions. By relinquishing control, we become more attuned to the synchronicities guiding us, making us more aware of the unseen support, and helping us understand our cosmic significance.
The Star Reversed Meaning
When reversed, The Star indicates a temporary disconnection from your inner light and potential. You might feel awkward or out of sync with your true essence.
You could be losing sight of your soul's purpose. Focus on your unique abilities and talents, which stem from a divine source. It's your role to learn how to use them in whatever life presents.
The Star Advice Position
The Star suggests recommitting to your spiritual ideals, deepening your meditation and spiritual practices, and aligning with the greater good. Engage with your higher self — an entity on an evolutionary journey that spans from the distant past into the infinite future. This is the aspect you seek to connect with.
This is a time for silent reflection. Listen to your inner voice; anything that disrupts this connection might not be in your best interest at this moment.
The Star Love Position
The Star in this position hints at receiving insights from your higher self about your purpose on Earth. This can be a transformative experience, bringing clarity to your personal life and relationships.
The sense of being misplaced disappears, replaced by profound joy. You're on a spiritual path back home, no longer lost in confusion.
The Star Career Position
With The Star here, you might collaborate with someone who knows their life's purpose, someone on a mission. This person possesses deep wisdom and isn't preoccupied with changing the status quo. They live life from within, not dictated by external events.
They maintain peace and accept workplace developments with grace, not needing to fight against them. Consider the level of trust required to live with such openness. This individual provides a model of harmony with life, something you can aspire to achieve.
The Star in a Yes or No Card Reading
The Star signifies optimism. If you're seeking a straightforward Yes or No answer and receive The Star, the answer is YES. Have faith in the most favorable outcome.