Temperance Tarot Card Meanings: Select and gather the elements that best support your goals, leaving the unnecessary behind.
Temperance Upright Meaning
The Temperance card relates to the essence of the soul. Traditionally depicted as a woman or angel, this figure blends subtle energies to foster personal growth. The card's name hints at the process of tempering metals, refining them through heat and force to create something superior.
Just as metals are purified, the soul here engages in a process that might turn one's personality inside out, but reveals the hidden gold within. It's about the soul's commitment to refining and healing the ego.
Temperance Reversed Meaning
When reversed, Temperance warns of a risk of giving up on yourself. You might be feeling apathetic, neglecting your true desires and needs.
You could be dwelling on the chaos that change brings, rather than the renewal it promises. Dedicate a day to activities that bring you joy, eat well, rest, and then reassess your situation. If your outlook doesn't improve, consider seeking assistance.
Temperance Advice Position
Temperance suggests you pinpoint and pursue what's missing in your life. Gather your skills and capabilities to achieve your objectives.
Engage in spiritual practices, learning, or lifestyle shifts that support your journey. There's much to gain if you can maintain discipline and organization at this time.
Temperance Love Position
With Temperance here, you're poised to take on the task of healing, whatever the cost. This healing might touch on physical, emotional, or psychological levels, or involve resolving past karmic issues.
The focus is on clearing old patterns and emotional baggage in your upcoming relationship. This process will eliminate the toxic remnants of unresolved issues, enabling you to create your own healing remedy. Now is the time to begin this journey of self-repair.
Temperance Career Position
A wave of harmony is being invoked, seeking to mend workplace dysfunction. Like a body's immune response, efforts are underway to heal the workplace. This is an opportunity to shed outdated roles and perceptions. The needed changes at work are now happening.
Don't abandon hope; there's value in staying and contributing to the transformation. Sometimes, the lesson lies in the journey, not just in the end result.
Temperance in a Yes or No Card Reading
Temperance points to quiet support. If you're seeking a straightforward Yes or No answer and receive Temperance, the answer is NO. Pause and give yourself time to breathe.