The Tower - 16

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The Tower Tarot Card Meanings: You are poised to be the harbinger of change.
The Tower Upright Meaning
In most depictions of The Tower card, calamity is either happening or has just occurred. It unleashes the demons of chaos and despair, with nature and human error conspiring to upset established order. This upheaval is collective and beyond personal control. Historically, these images served as a warning to the nobility and clergy about the perils of losing their status if the social order were to collapse.
Lightning here symbolizes karmic justice for those who've built their wealth on the exploitation of others. A modern interpretation might be "revolution," where drastic societal shifts offer hope for the downtrodden. The Tower's lightning strike brings down the old order, paving the way for a fresh start on more equal terms.
The Tower Reversed Meaning
When reversed, The Tower indicates that the crisis has passed. All that was unstable has crumbled. It's time to move on from the issues and feelings that led to this collapse.
Consider what new paths are open to you now that old options are no longer viable. As you rise from this, you'll discover new vigor for your next big project.
The Tower Advice Position
With The Tower here, see yourself as a catalyst for change. This role might bring stress, but your insight tells you that a profound transformation is already underway, driven by forces larger than any individual.
You're at the vanguard, welcoming and managing the inevitable change. Try to soften the impact where you can, protecting the most vulnerable. Recognize the efforts of those, including yourself, who are instrumental in paving the way for a better future.
The Tower Love Position
The Tower signifies an explosive, unexpected event in your upcoming relationship, providing a unique chance for transformation. Given the uncontrollable nature of these circumstances, you might feel you have no choice in the matter.
Avoid quick judgments on whether this is a setback or a leap forward; only time will tell if it's the worst or the best thing that could have happened. It might be both.
The Tower Career Position
With The Tower in this position, there's an immense energy looking for an outlet at work. Its arrival might be startling, and until this energy dissipates, there might be a general sense of insecurity. This could manifest as an accidental event or a culmination of long-building tensions.
The situation is at a tipping point, where even a small change could cause significant disruption. This will be a defining moment, viewed by some as a disaster, by others as a liberation.
Be cautious; the atmosphere might be volatile. Keep your eyes open, as some colleagues might need your support during this pivotal time.
The Tower in a Yes or No Card Reading
The Tower represents the destruction necessary for new beginnings. If you're seeking a straightforward Yes or No answer and receive The Tower, the answer is NO. Allow time for the situation to stabilize before making decisions.