The Wheel of Fortune - 10

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Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card Meanings: Significant change is on the horizon. The positive effects from this time could be enduring.
Wheel of Fortune Upright Meaning
The essence of The Wheel of Fortune card is the idea of cyclic change. Life's wheel rolls on, continuously turning through highs and lows, liberating us from our past. No one avoids this cycle, which can be somewhat daunting, whether we're on an upswing or downswing. At the peak of the wheel, there's a moment of clear understanding, but the only stable part is the hub, symbolizing our eternal essence.
We'll all experience every position on the wheel eventually. The lesson of the wheel is its perpetual motion — take solace in knowing that if you're not happy with how things are, they will change. Conversely, if you're enjoying the current state, cherish it, as that too will shift.
Wheel of Fortune Reversed Meaning
When reversed, The Wheel of Fortune suggests you might have fallen from a high point back to square one, prompting a fresh start or a reevaluation of your plans.
This might feel like hitting rock bottom, but view it as an opportunity for renewal and a chance to rebuild with more wisdom. You'll be more empathetic and insightful when others face their downturns. In the future, consider setting more modest goals.
Wheel of Fortune Advice Position
The Wheel of Fortune advises you to go with the flow of life's changes. Major shifts like moving, spiritual growth, or social changes might occur. Embrace these transitions.
You're in a secure position as you navigate this wheel. You're protected and will gain valuable, long-lasting knowledge from this experience.
Wheel of Fortune Love Position
The Wheel of Fortune here signals that emotions or thoughts are in constant flux, bringing up new issues or reopening old ones with your potential partner. This is the nature of an ever-turning wheel.
You might wish to escape this cycle, but the best approach is to find peace at the center, from where all movement originates. You can't always stay at the top, and the challenge is to accept the rise and fall without resistance.
Wheel of Fortune Career Position
With The Wheel of Fortune here, your job situation is in flux. Don't take it personally; you're dealing with a force beyond your control. The near future for your work might seem unclear, causing feelings of being overwhelmed or confused. Don't linger on that.
Consider this wheel like a cosmic rinse cycle. If you can handle the agitation, you'll emerge refreshed and renewed. It might feel like you're going in circles, but think of it more as a spiral staircase leading you to your goal. Keeping calm during these shifts is the challenge.
Observe and learn from these changes; by following the current, you won't lose your way.
Wheel of Fortune in a Yes or No Card Reading
The Wheel of Fortune represents ongoing cycles and patterns. If you're seeking a straightforward Yes or No answer and receive The Wheel of Fortune, the answer is NO. Hold off for now — things are still in flux.